Positive Support & Individualized Home Support
Merrick Inc., is pleased to announce two more licensed services available to current and prospective clients that can be provided in their home or in the community. These services will be provided separately, or in addition to current services, and will be scheduled at times that work best for the client and their support team.
Positive Support Services (PSS)
Positive Support Services consist of developing, implementing, and monitoring a person-centered, individually designed, proactive plan to address challenging behaviors. A positive support professional develops a Functional Behavior Assessment and other interventions to enhance a person’s quality of life through the process of teaching or increasing positive behavior. When possible, the person leads the process of developing a positive behavior support plan and positive support transition plan.
Individualized Home Support (IHS)
Services for people living in their own home or family home provide support and training in community living service categories. Individualized home support can be provided in the person’s home, family’s home, or community spaces used by the public, either in person or remotely. Support in community living service categories include: cueing, skill maintenance, guidance, instruction, assistance with activities of daily living, assistance with coordination of community living activities, or direct supervision. Support must be within an allowable community living service category. Training in community living service categories include: skill-building and instructional services to acquire, retain and improve the person’s experience living in the community.
Next Steps
Interested clients or support teams should contact their case manager who will determine if the services are available within their waiver plan and assist them to identify which service is most appropriate. The case manager will initiate service authorization and if units are authorized, will update the Support Plan and make a referral to Merrick by contacting Brady Mallek, Positive Support Professional at bradym@merrickinc.org or 651.789.6208.