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Center-Based Work

  • client packing x-ray bags on workfloor
  • client holding up greeting card
  • client at x-ray bag work station

We partner with local businesses to provide light assembly and packaging work at our onsite production facility in Vadnais Heights. This is a great option for individuals with disabilities who need ongoing support, desire consistent work, and want a safer environment. Benefits of choosing to work onsite at Merrick include:

  • Physical engagement completing tasks on a regular and consistent basis to build work stamina. Having more hands-on chances to actually engage in work and to do so in a physical manner is helpful because most clients benefit from having more opportunities to learn by doing and most positions that clients obtain in the community are more physical in nature.
  • Training and assessment in a setting that is like the general workforce. This also allows us more flexibility to apply a person centered approach to identify a client’s work interests, skills, preferences, soft skill training needs (i.e., interpersonal communication, active listening, proper hygiene, being a team player, appropriate attitude, social boundaries, and customer service, etc.), and any limitations.
  • Be a valued worker, earn a paycheck, and be around friends with similar interests.

In addition, clients working at our onsite production facility have access to opportunities for community volunteering, therapeutic experiences, arts and crafts, sensory integration, social and recreational outings, positive behavior supports, and augmented communication including assistive technology and American Sign Language.

We offer two service options for adults interested in joining our center-based workforce: Enhanced Services and Utility Services.

Enhanced Services

Merrick’s Enhances Services is ideal for individuals who need structure and intensive support in the areas of behavior management, boundaries, or social interaction. Clients enrolled in our Enhanced Services program benefit from an enhanced client to staff ratio (1:1, 1:2, or 1:4) and individualized strategies and schedules to promote optimum achievement of outcomes. 

Utility Services

Coming soon!

client at greeting card work station

Contact Us

If you are interested in joining our center-based workforce at Merrick, Inc., please visit to start the application process or request a tour today.